MY IDENTITY A Marking Technology Aimed at Eliminating the Risk of Loss or Theft

Jamuz Moods
5 min readFeb 23, 2021


Since the discovery and development of cryptocurrency, many problems have occurred, especially in terms of security. According to data, nearly 11 $ trillion USD is lost per year, as a result of security system vulnerabilities. This happens on several platforms that provide payment or currency exchange services. of course this will be a concern for us as active cryptocurrency users. but there is a platform that can solve our problem by prioritizing security as this main factor will make security and defense accurate.

On this occasion I will discuss a The Money Project created by OkGlobal Coin SWITCH. which is equipped with marking / wrapping technology that aims to eliminate the risk of loss or theft and facilitate the disclosure of your information to the coins you buy. Of course this is very important and useful for us.

MY IDENTITY COIN (The Money Project) by OkGlobal Coin SWITCH

OKGlobal Coin SWITCH aims to be the future of global payments and currency management personal money therefore MY IDENTITY COIN is created as a complement and as well as security in Global Payments and Currency Management. My Identity Coin is a project equipped with tagging / wrapping technology that aims to eliminate the risk of loss or theft and make it easier to disclose your information to the coins that you bought with My Identity Coin. Identity Coin Solution. So when someone wants to claim your coin, they can’t just claim it, because we have information about who the real owner of the coin is, which cannot be manipulated or fabricated.

How can MY IDENTITY COIN Get Rid Of The Problems That Occur On The Current Global Blockchain?

MY IDENTITY COIN is the world’s first crypto currency to be equipped with a unique tagging technology that eliminates all major threats of loss from security breaches to cryptocurrency theft by verifying each individual with coins that are uniquely coded with the identification of each owner. thus making strong security and providing a clear identity to cryptocurrency.

Of course this will be very useful because of the many fakes and manipulations that occur in cryptocurrencies today. therefore by tagging and by verifying each individual with a coin that is uniquely coded with the identification of each owner so as to avoid theft and manipulation.

MY IDENTITY COIN Has Accountability And Transparency To Ensure That The Risk Of Loss And Theft Is Eliminated

To ensure full compliance, OKGlobal Coin, SWITCH (the underlying framework / software for transfer and payment verification) and MY IDENTITY must be able to adapt continuously to what is needed by changing technology and needs, separating the cooperative entity from the services offered to community members. That way it can verify clearly and certainly will avoid theft and manipulation.


MY IDENTITY COIN (utility) MYID, is a utility coin used for blockchain tagging / identification with a unique owner identification code. The purpose of tagging the blockchain by encoding MYID coins is to reduce and eliminate the threat of unfair loss, theft or confiscation. There are a total volume of 100
billion MY IDENTITY Coin ethereum (erc20). The ethereum erc20 blockchain is used to generate MYID Coins for easy access to various funding and trading platforms. MY IDENTITY The coins will migrate to the unique block itself due to the limited functionality of the ethereum blockchain.

MYID Coin Supply & Distribution

The current supply is 100 billion Coins. 40% is reserved for the team and participants of the “The Money Project” campaign. The remaining 60% will be offered for sale to the public. Proceeds from the ICO and future sales will be used to create and secure / maintain the technology and platform for MYID Coin. Liquidity is immediately available on UNISWAP. There is no lock-in period. We will register MYID coins once the ICO campaign ends with ethereum’s 50,000 max limit or runs out of 60 days ICO duration.


Starting December 27, 2020! End date 25 February 2021, 9am Singapore time or when ethereum’s strict 50,000 limit is met.
This is wonderful! Participating in our ICO means we have MY IDENTY helpers to achieve success and it will definitely give us a profit on the MYID coins that we buy when the ICO starts, MYID will be listed on the top Exchanges after the ICO ends, this means it will add more profit to the assets our finances.

1ETH = 500,000 MYID Coins ONLY DURING ICO!
MYID ERC20 Contract Address: 0xbee571a0a8599ada125e1a33e56287c3c594a5e2
Hard Hat: 50,000 ETH = 25 Billion MYID coins

Join ICO, And Get Extra Bonus And Amazing Benefits!


My Identity Coin (MYID) is part of (The Money Project) by OkGlobal Coin SWITCH which is a tagging/wrapping technology that allows storing owner information on coins. With the solution of the cryptographic block with a unique owner identification code offered by My Identity Coin, it allows coin owners to be able to store their information in the coins they buy, which can reduce the risk of theft or loss of coins due to negligence.

For More Information About MY IDENTITY You Can Visit The Link Below:

